Shared Space 2017-05-22T19:26:22+00:00

Shared Space by Lawrence Herzog : book coverShared Space: Rethinking the U.S.-Mexico Border Environment

(U.S.-Mexico Contemporary Perspectives Series, 16) (ed.)


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Binational ecology and environmental management, especially in the U.S.-Mexico borderlands, is destined to be one of the salient agenda items for Mexico and the United States in the twenty-first century. The upcoming century will be a time to contemplate the myriad problems and opportunities posed by economic integration and free trade. Lying squarely in the path of these debates is the physical environment shared by the two nations as they interconnect across their land border. The borderlands will emerge as a primary region for future Mexico-U.S. economic expansion. The challenge will be to harness the economic potential of the border region without compromising either the quality of life for its growing population or the environmental resources for future generations. The volume’s contributors explore how these trends will interact and what might be done to mitigate the impacts of economic and population growth on the natural environment. This volume, it is hoped, will provide a catalyst for the growing body of discussion and research surrounding questions of sustainable development, economic growth, and the U.S.-Mexico border environment.